Energy for Life


Personal Coaching

The most important investment in your life is in your health!

Every person has his own needs and his own desires. Every body has experienced different situations in its life.

Every soul has experienced different things, often unprocessed.

BodySoul Personal Coaching offers you a holistic view of your personality, your feelings, your goals and desires, taking into account your current life situation.

It is much more than a consultation followed by treatment. At the beginning there is a comprehensive analysis of body and mind. Conversations are necessary to develop a personal plan.

This personal roadmap leads step by step to greater well-being, performance and can translate into a rejuvenated appearance in the short term. They will change. This is safe and guaranteed.

Those who decide to take advantage of BodySoul Personal Coaching will initially be accompanied for 3 or 6 months. Regularly and very individually with coaching sessions, exercises, treatments, vital substances and individual product formulations.

Arrange your non-binding and free consultation appointment.
We are looking forward to meeting you!

Business Coaching

Work-life balance has become one of the most important issues in the world of work as a way of showing appreciation to employees. Energy for Life” is the theme that successful companies are focusing on for their team. In this way, employers and employees benefit from the topic of prevention and motivation in the workplace.

BodySoul Business Coaching customizes individual employee programs to promote stress reduction, strengthen the immune system, motivation and much more after a company needs analysis.

An investment in your own employees that always pays off and in the end is an enrichment for all sides.
We have compiled some examples for you here. We would be happy to put together an individual program tailored to your team and your company’s goals.

A valuable event that is guaranteed to pay off and achieve lasting results.


We would be happy to assist you with your company coaching!

“My way to me –
the language of my body”

A very intensive workshop on positioning one’s own personality
Number of participants: 10 – 15 people

“The relaxation day”
A workshop with practical exercises to recharge and relax.
(Mats, pillows, blankets and music are needed).
Number of participants: 10 – 15 people

“Collateral Beauty –
One’s own hidden beauty”
Discover your chocolate side – externally and internally
Number of participants: 10 – 15 people


VIP Intensive Coaching/ME-TIME

Get out of the work routine!
The world has changed. It brings with it fears and insecurities, both at work and in private life.

Because the two are closely linked. If these issues are no longer separable, a stress spiral begins. It affects well-being, health and thus concentration and performance. The joy is lost, the carousel of thoughts turns day and night. The result: you just function.

This is a red flag for any of us who find ourselves in this description!

Our VIP coaching is our “intensive reset week”.
Get away from it all in sunny Turkey.

All the contents of the coaching sessions are combined here with tranquility, pleasure, exclusivity and we set your personal rhythm to “reset”. After this week you will feel like you have been redefined, suddenly possibilities will become visible that you didn’t even think were possible before.

With High Class Beauty Treatments for your youthfulness we care for your mental and physical well-being.

The BodySoul ME-TIME is for all those who have to accomplish a lot, find themselves, want to change something, but have little time.

Also available as a 7-day programme at the ME-TIME Guesthouse.
Booking enquiries at: